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Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas

Lookup your Magisterial District Judge

Note: Magisterial District map boundaries shown are effective January 2, 2024.

Enter your complete address below and click "Lookup MDJ" to find your MDJ.

Lehigh County address:

Lehigh County Magisterial Districts Map

This map and any magisterial district determinations are based on geographical information provided courtesy of Google Maps. Please be sure to verify results prior to any legal action by contacting Court Administration. The Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County does not imply approval of the information from this or any other external source, warrant the accuracy of any such information or endorse any opinions expressed therein.

Show all Lehigh County Magisterial Districts

We also have a listing of all districts and magistrates available: List All Magisterial Districts

Electronic Payment Option

Rather than in person, payments may be made using the following electronic options:

Please call the relevant District Court for assistance with identifying case number/case balance.

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Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas, 455 West Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA 18101-1614 • (610) 782-3000