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Jury Service Information
Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas

Each month, Lehigh County summons approximately 4,800 jurors for jury service. The selection is at random by computer from the Departments of Human Services, Transportation, Revenue, and State.

Arriving jurors check in and are seated in the jury assembly room. After all the jurors have arrived, they are greeted by a representative of the Court Administrator's office and are given a general description of what to expect while on Jury Duty.

Following orientation, jury panels are selected for service in the various courtrooms.

Our frequently asked questions section provides answers to the most commonly asked for information.

Please be aware of possible scams regarding jury service in Lehigh County. All questionnaires should be completed online at the website listed on the summons - It is suggested that you follow the link on this page or type the URL directly into your browser. Please contact Court Administration at 610-782-3014 if you receive a phone call, an email, or any other correspondence regarding you missed jury service. Please do not release any personal information or make any payment either over the phone or online in response to your missed jury service. Lehigh County will not solicit any payment in those manners.

Jury Parking Map

Juror Payments -Court Funds

Tracking address: Tracking code - do not email: (do not email this address - tracking purposes only)

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Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas, 455 West Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA 18101-1614 • (610) 782-3000