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Drug Treatment Court
Criminal Court Division

The Lehigh County Drug Treatment Court ("DTC") is a non-traditional, non-adversarial court-supervised treatment program for non-violent offenders with a Substance Use Disorder. The Program provides intensive treatment and addresses ancillary needs of the participants while at the same time holding offenders accountable for their actions.

Drug Treatment Court Manual

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Drug Treatment Court has three (3) tracks
  • The goal of Track I is to give the participant the opportunity to work toward a better resolution of the charges if he/she adheres to all conditions set forth by the Court and successfully completes their individualized program.
  • The participant must enter a guilty plea approved by the District Attorney ("DA") and then defer sentencing with signed Waiver and Written Plea Colloquy.
  • Upon successful completion, the participant will be afforded the opportunity to withdraw his/her plea and if originally charged with Felony offenses, enter a plea to lesser charges. If the original charges were misdemeanors, the charges will be dismissed.
  • Recommend and monitor conditions of release.
  • Direct referrals that include, but are not limited to, drug/alcohol treatment, mental health treatment, education classes, and job readiness training.
  • The Track I program is designed to meet the needs of eligible participants who are Level I or II offenders based on their prior record score and current charges.
  • Enforce conditions of release and LVPTS rules and regulations.
  • The DA has sole discretion over approval into this track.
  • Track II provides offenders with the opportunity to participate in the DTC as an alternative to incarceration.
  • The participant must enter a guilty plea to an appropriate offense approved by the DA and will immediately be sentenced. The length of community supervision must be for at least 18 months (not including any period of incarceration). The period of supervision can be up to 18 months or longer; as required by law. If a sentence of house arrest will be imposed, the sentence must be a sentence of Probation with Restrictive Conditions.
  • Upon successful completion, the participant will be afforded the opportunity to have their supervision terminated.
  • Direct referrals that include, but are not limited to, drug/alcohol treatment, mental health treatment, education classes, and job readiness training.
  • Track II is intended for Level 3 or 4 offenders, based on their prior record score and current charges as set forth in Pennsylvania's Sentencing Guidelines, or those who the DA has not accepted into Track I.
  • Participants deemed eligible for admission to the Recovery Track are those individuals who are already under the supervision of the Lehigh County Adult Probation and Parole Department and have violated their supervision from a previous sentence imposed by the Court. It is designed to meet the needs of eligible participants who have been unsuccessful with probation/parole supervision and are in need of more intense and extensive treatment in lieu of incarceration.
  • The participant must acknowledge a violation of his/her probation or parole. The participant will be resentenced to a minimum of 12 months community supervision (not including any period of incarceration). The length of community supervision can be up to 18 months or longer; as required by law. Upon graduation, they may earn the termination of their supervision.
What's in it for the Participant?
  • Reduction and/or dismissal of charges (Track I cases) - If you successfully complete the DTC Program, you will be eligible to have your charges reduced or dismissed.
  • Probation and completion of Court supervision (Track II and III) - An alternative to incarceration and if you successfully complete the DTC Program, you will be eligible to have your Court supervision terminated.
  • A Second Chance - The opportunity to move forward in your life with a new outlook and new skills.
  • A Healthy Lifestyle - Through treatment, structure, and accountability you will acquire the skills to improve your quality of life through your transparency and candor, reducing stress, becoming gainfully employed, rebuilding relationships, and becoming a productive member of society while living a crime-free and substance-free lifestyle. This may include:
    • Job training
    • Educational/vocational training
    • Job placement assistance
    • Family counseling
    • Life skills training
    • Anger management
    • Mental health services
    • Public assistance/Medicaid
How long is Drug Treatment Court?
  • The program lasts on average 12 - 18 months.
  • A participant's compliance with their treatment plan and ability to successfully progress through each phase of the program determines the length.
What do I need to complete/accomplish in order to complete or graduate from Drug Treatment Court?
  • Drug Treatment Court is an extremely structured and comprehensive program that requires active participation and compliance. There will be frequent court appearances, regular and random drug and alcohol testing, participation in drug and alcohol treatment, establishing a sober support network, and attendance in any other educational and therapeutic programming.
  • Graduation Requirements:
    • Complete all phases of the program
    • Treatment - successfully complete all treatment goals and establish an approved relapse prevention plan
    • Drug and alcohol tests - Negative results
    • Employed or involved in productive daily activity
    • Housing - reside at an approved residence that is not likely to promote relapse
    • Financial obligation - compliant with all costs, fines, supervision fees, restitution, and treatment costs
    • New arrests - remain arrest free for any new criminal charges that result in a conviction
Can I be terminated from the Drug Treatment Court Program, and if so, what will happen to me?
  • Although a violation of any aspect of the DTC Program rules may result in the participant's termination from the DTC Program, the program is structured to provide incentives and to reinforce positive behaviors, and sanctions to discourage negative, non-compliant behaviors
    • Sanctions will be imposed after careful consideration of a variety of factors, which include proximal/distal goals, performance thus far, the severity of the behavior, and the magnitude of the participant's response.
  • The following violations, however, may result in automatic termination:
    • Violent or abusive behavior
    • New charge of Driving Under Suspension
    • New criminal charges (misdemeanor or felony) that are held for court at a preliminary hearing
    • Failure to comply with directives given by the Court
  • Following Termination from the Program:
    • Track I - offenders will be sentenced for the original charges.
    • Track II and III - Gagnon II hearing and sentencing for a violation of probation.
How do I or an Offender begin the process to get into DTC?
  1. Review the Pre-Screening Form Instructions
  2. Complete the Pre-Screening Form and
  3. Submit it to:
    Michael Zagorski, Supervisor/Drug Treatment Court Coordinator
    Lehigh County Office of the District Attorney
    Lehigh County Courthouse, Room G09
    455 W. Hamilton St.
    Allentown, PA 18101
  4. After review of the Pre-Screening Form and approval by the DA, a Drug Treatment Court Application will be mailed to you by the Adult Probation Department. Complete the Drug Treatment Court Application and submit it to:
    Michael Zagorski, Supervisor/Drug Treatment Court Coordinator
    Lehigh County Office of the District Attorney
    Lehigh County Courthouse, Room G09
    455 W. Hamilton St.
    Allentown, PA 18101
Tracking address: Tracking code - do not email: (do not email this address - tracking purposes only)

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Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas, 455 West Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA 18101-1614 • (610) 782-3000